Winter vs. Summer Weddings — 3 Ways Your Food Menu Should Vary


Summer and winter nuptials can look very different. And this doesn't just apply to dresses and the indoor vs. outdoor debate, it also affects your catering choices. How? Here are a few ways that your food menu will — and should — look different during these two very different seasons. 

1. Hot and Cold Food

The temperature outside impacts what type of food guests will want. When it's hot outside, they're more likely to enjoy a cooler set of food options. Think about ice cream, smoothies, cold cocktails, and other similar options. Conversely, winter weddings often mean warming up guests with hot chocolate, coffee bars, and soups. 

Embrace the fun and surprise of the hot or cold temperatures and their effect on your menu. Offer an ice cream or sundae bar to combat the summer heat at an outdoor wedding. Or create a signature hot toddy in winter. This is a great way to make your wedding menu memorable for the right reasons. 

2. Seasonal Foods

What's in season? This isn't just a question for your florist. Matching your wedding menu with what's currently available saves money, makes the menu reliable, and simplifies things.

The good news, of course, is that summer provides the widest range of fruits and vegetables to use throughout your menu. But don't despair about fall and winter produce. You can still make a great menu of cranberries, apples and oranges, pears, and unusual choices like kiwi. Work with your caterer to find the right mix of seasonal delights to create a meal unique to your event.

3. Light vs. Comfort Foods

During the harsher, darker winter months, people tend to crave their comfort foods. What constitutes as a comfort food depends on your personal taste, of course, but it often includes hearty soups, creamy sauces, traditional recipes, and heavier fare. This is the time to serve more red meat, pasta dishes, and indulgent desserts.

On the other hand, summer taste buds are often geared toward light and airy fare. Keep it light with white meats, appetizers, and fun new concoctions that will wow guests. This trend toward light and summery foods can also be a great excuse to lower food costs with cocktail-style dinners or a buffet. 

Where to Learn More

How will the season of your wedding impact its food options? Should you buck tradition and convention with your menu? And if so, how? Learn more about the entanglement of wedding season and catering by meeting with a catering service in your local area today. 


20 June 2023

Managing Your Restaurant With Care

Several years ago I realized that I needed to do something about the way that my business was running. I owned what used to be a popular restaurant, but in recent years, I was having trouble getting people in through the door. I was really frustrated with our sales, so I started focusing heavily on turning things around. I worked with a professional restaurant consultant to make some big changes, and it made a huge difference. This blog is dedicated to managing your restaurant the smart way. After all, you never know how incredible your restaurant can be without focusing on what needs to change.